Our son and daughter-in-law, Dino and Erin, went to NYC for a vacation this past weekend. They got back on Sunday, May 2, the day after the NYC failed car bomb. That evening, Dino called and told us it was about 8 blocks from the hotel where they were staying, and they did a lot of walking around that area. Later Jorge and I asked the question: “What if  that bomb didn’t go off because we prayed for their safety? What if God allowed the right person to be there just at the right time, tell the right authorities and have the whole destructive plan dismantled – because we prayed?” I “googled” in NYC car bomb, and there were about 18,100,000 results that popped up in 0.16 seconds. What if it was because we prayed??

We may never know. And it really doesn’t matter. But what we know for sure is that when we pray to our Heavenly Father, we know exactly who we are praying to. Every time we lift up the name of our children, or any loved one, or ask Him to intervene in any situation, we are praying to the unchangeable, all-powerful, all-wise, eternal God!

He is the same God who Daniel prayed to. God shut the lion’s mouth and Daniel walked out of the lion’s den unharmed. (Daniel chapter 6)

He is the same God who Hannah cried out to because she could not have children. God blessed her with a son – the prophet Samuel – who Hannah dedicated to the Lord’s service. (1st Samuel 1)

He is the same God that King Hezekiah of Judah pleaded with when the Assyrian king threatened to wage war against him. God’s angel took care of the 185,000 Assyrians during the night. (2nd Kings 18-19)

He is the same God that King Asa of Judah cried out to when the Ethiopians came out against his people, a million strong. The Lord struck the Ethiopians, and the Ethiopians fled, were overthrown and could not recover. (2nd Chronicles 20)

He is the same God that the prophet Elijah fervently prayed to, and God withheld rain for 3 ½ years. “And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain…” (James 5: 17, 18 and 1st Kings chapters 17, 18)

He is the same God that the early church constantly prayed to when Peter was in prison facing sure execution. God sent his angel to escort Peter out of the prison. (Acts 12:5-17)

He is the same God who invites us in Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” HE IS THE GOD WE PRAY TO!…Maybe it WAS because we prayed…


  1. Lilly says:

    So glad you prayed!


  2. Carole says:

    I’m sure your prayers are what kept Dino and Erin safe. It’s always awesome to see how God’s timing can turn such destructive plans upsidedown. Don’t ever doubt that your prayers didn’t help that day. They do and they always will. God answers prayers in bigger ways than we can imagine sometime.
    BTW, at Norton, for their prayer time, they passed the microphone around for everyone to say a name of someone to be prayed for, so I said Erin. So the whole Norton church prayed for her (them) also on Sunday morning, too!


  3. peg says:

    “pray without ceasing becomes so real!


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