Finishing off our “Count Your Many Blessing” list on Thanksgiving Day, we come to our last list: “Z” blessings. My list is short: zeal, zoos, zippers, zinnias and zip lining.

We’ve come to the end of the A-Z blessing list and we are all very thankful to God for much more, including all that we forgot to list. Special thanks to you who have commented on your lists, and shared some of your special blessings as we went through these 26 days.

Let’s have a thankful heart all year ‘round, and join the Psalmist who encouraged himself to “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” (Psalm 103:2) Enjoy this song as you thank Him today for all His blessings:

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Dory says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Thanks for the A-Z blessings each day Love Dory


  2. Peg says:

    I am also blessed with our church hymnal, the Zion’s Harp. It has amazing encouraging songs. I am also blessed with the zoo and watching our grands marvel over the many animals including the zebras.
    I enjoyed your Alphabet Blessings! It really set me to thinking. Thanks for all the inspirations..


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