“So…where did you meet?”

  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Argentina. United States of America. Two very different countries on two different continents. The culture is different. The food is not the same. The music, the people, the institutions and the language are all different. The seasons are reversed, and the water even goes down the drain clockwise in the USA and counter-clockwise in Argentina!

My husband Jorge is Argentine, and I was born and raised in the USA. Hearing this, new acquaintances invariable throw us the same question: “So…where did you meet?” It’s interesting to observe how their facial expression is immediately transformed from one of casual curiosity to one of shock – bordering on horror – when we respond: “We never met…well, actually we first met at the Cleveland Hopkins Airport when Jorge came for the wedding.” Their intrigue peaks when we add: “…and we’ve had a wonderful marriage for X years.” (X = 35-going-on-36 this year)

Almost satisfied that they figured it all out, and matter-of-factly they usually reply, “Oh, it was an arranged marriage.” Still wide eyed, they expectantly wait to hear the details. We continue…

It was arranged, that’s for sure! God arranged it. He orchestrated every detail in each of our lives leading up to the moment when we stood at the marriage altar at the Apostolic Christian Church in Norton, Ohio, two months after having met. Because Jorge knew very little English then, I had to nudge him and whisper “Decile que SI” when my dad, the preacher, asked him if he would take me as his lawfully wedded wife.

Marriage was not in my plans, but it was in God’s plan for me. It was not in Jorge’s plan to get married until he was several years older. But it was in God’s plan for him. Looking back over the years we’ve been blessed to share together, we cannot thank Him enough for having brought us together to serve Him, and we truly praise Him because “His way is perfect…and He makes my way perfect.” (Psalm 18:30,32)

In future blogs, I’ll share some of the background details and how God worked in each of our lives to get us together: trips, visitors, a fatal accident, learning Spanish, answered prayers, a college professor, and snail-mail all played a part.

What is God using in your life to carry out His perfect plan?

16 Responses to “So…where did you meet?”

  1. Vera Koch says:

    Kathy, Thank you so much for letting me know about your blog! I am so looking forward to what you will share. Anytime I have been with you, I always am refreshed in my spirit.
    Love the intrigue about your marriage story 🙂


  2. Peg says:

    I love it. Seems just like yesterday. Not 30+ years. Where has all the time gone? God is so good to all of us. Thanks for your blog.


  3. Danielle S. says:

    Kathy, I love this blog already and when I read this post, my mind immediately went back to the first time I heard it… sitting at the table with Mr. George and hearing the story as ONLY he could tell stores. 🙂 I think “shocked” is a good way to describe my reaction but…I think it’s a romantic story, too. LoL!
    God bless!!


  4. Carole says:

    I love this story. I’m glad we were part of it from the beginning. Reading this just doesn’t seem like it was that long ago, either. I’m looking forward to your next round of thoughts. You’re so talented in so many ways!


  5. laura says:

    Es emocionante y de mucha bendicion poder leer este relato. Es de testimonio para mi vida, y ver como Dios tiene control y planes para nuestras vida en cada momento y circunstancias. y que TODO nos ayudara para bien. Los planes de DIos son PERFECTOS . Te amo tia con todo mi corazon y sos de mucha bendicion en mi vida!!!! I love u!!!


  6. […] “So…where did you meet?” February 2010 12 comments 5 […]


  7. Mary Andrew says:

    Thanks for sharing this cliffhanger with us! You two model Christ and His bride, the church, well! We are learning a lot from you both. See you in a couple Sundays!


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